His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef

Listening to the call of the Lord Jesus Christ, His Grace Bishop Youssef entered the monastic life in 1986 at the El-Souryan Monastery. He was ordained into the priesthood in 1988. Then in 1989, he came to the United States under the auspices of His Holiness Pope Shenouda III, the 117th Pope of the Holy See of St. Mark. He was appointed resident priest to serve the Coptic congregation of St. Mary Church in Dallas/Fort Worth.
In 1992, His Grace was ordained as General Bishop and in 1993, His Grace was appointed to oversee the Southern Coptic Diocese. In 1995, His Grace was enthroned as the first Bishop of the Coptic Orthodox Diocese of the Southern United States.
Sermons Not In A Series
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Restoring our Relationship with God"~YouthMtg @ SMSR, Memphis TN~ 02/22/24
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "God Satisfies our Needs"~Homily @St Abba Sarapamone Clarksville TN~2/17/24
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Dealing with Same Sex Attraction" @St Verena Youth Meeting OrangeCA~2/9/24
HE Metropolitan Youssef: Divine Liturgy, Homily~"God's Empowerment" @ St Mary, DelrayBch FL~10/15/23
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "How to Build Christian Family Life"~Lecture @ St George, SeattleWA~9/29/23
HE Metropolitan Youssef: St Verena~The Woman Who Changed A Country~Homily @ St Verena NPR FL~9-14-23
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Hindrances to Repentance"~Liturgy Homily @ St George, DaytonaBchFL~9/10/23
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Faithful Till The End"~Homily @ St Mary Magdalene, Gainesville FL~09/09/23
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Pure & Godly Thoughts"~Youth Lect./QA @ StMary/AAMichael, OviedoFL~9/6/23a
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Accountable Stewards"~Divine Liturgy Homily @ St Mary, NashvilleTN~8/13/23
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Redeem the Time"~Divine Liturgy Homily @ St Theodore, Henderson TN~8/12/23
HE Metropolitan Youssef:"Those Who Wait on the Lord"~St Mary Revival Homily@St Mary Nash. TN~8/12/23
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Marital Issues"~Family Meeting (AR) @ St Macarius, Nashville TN~07/22/2023
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Beware of Offensive Teaching"~Liturgy Homily @ StPishoy, AntiochTN~7/16/23
HE Metropolitan Youssef: Feast of the Ascension Homily @ St George Church, Maadi (AR) Egypt~05/25/23
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Enlightenment In Judgment" Homily @ Coptic Community Keys, FL ~ 05/13/2023
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Examining Our Doubts"~Thomas Sunday Homily @ StAthanasius, Chat.TN~4/23/23
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Resurrection & Transfiguration"~Homily @ St John Kame-BirminghamAL~4/22/23
HE Metropolitan Youssef: Glorious Resurrection Feast Liturgy Homily 2023 @ St Athanasius PensacolaFL
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Christ's Humility Entering Jerusalem"~Paschal Homily @ St Meena,DFW~4/9/23
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Overcoming Screen Addiction" Lect./QA @ StMary/StGeorge Tallahassee~4/2/23
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Faith & Patience in Trials"~Liturgy Homily @ St Julitta, PearlandTX~9/2/23
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Seeking Enlightenment"~ Homily @ Coptic Community, Panama City FL~4/1/2023
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "The Cross, Christianity, & Salvation"~Feast of the Cross Homily @ 03/19/23
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "The Cross is the Greatest Power"~Feast of the Cross Servants'Mtg @ 3/19/23
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Sunday of Treasures" ~ Divine Liturgy Homily @ St George, Tampa FL~2/26/23
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Duality in a Servant's Life"~Lecture & QA @ St Paul, Suwanee GA~02/19/2023
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Goals of the Great Fast"~Divine Liturgy Homily @St Paul, SuwaneeGA~2/19/23
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Principles in Service"~Divine Liturgy Homily @ St John, Smyrna TN~02/12/23
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Empty Yourself;Let Christ Increase"~Homily @ StAntony,SanAntonioTX~1/29/23
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "A New Creation in Baptism"~Liturgy Homily @ St George, NashvilleTN~1/22/23
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Decision-Making" ~ Lecture (Arabic) @ St George, Nashville TN ~ 01/21/2023
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Fairness & Impartiality"~Servants' Lecture @ St Joseph, Mesa AZ~01/15/2023
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Escaping the World's Corruption"~liturgy Homily @ StJoseph, MesaAZ~1/15/23
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Guard the Deposit..."~Vespers Homily @ StMary/StJohn, PleasantonCA~1/11/23
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Era of Grace" ~ Divine Liturgy Homily @ St Mary, Knoxville TN ~ 01/08/2023
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Responsibility & Freedom for Our Children"~Lecture @StBarbara, TN~12/31/22
HE Metropolitan Youssef: "Glad Tidings to All the World~Lit. Homily @StBarbara, BrentwoodTN~12/31/22