His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef: "Redeem the Time" ~ Divine Liturgy Homily Holy Gospel according to Saint Matthew 25:1-13 Saturday, August 12, 2023 | Mesore 6, 1739 (This Gospel is read for the departure of a female saint or martyr ~ St. Julitta the Martyr) 5 Wise & 5 Foolish ~ 5 represents humanity's five senses Instructions on the order of hymns verses and prayers. St. Theodore Coptic Orthodox Church, Henderson (Community), TN Rev Fr Sarapamone Esnasios Visiting Clergy First Pastoral Visit 08/12/2023 #hemy #metropolitan_youssef #pastoralvisit #st.theodore #divineliturgy #divineliturgyhomily #Matthew25:1-13 @His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef / @metropolitanyoussef_suscopts / bishopyoussef 🔔 Subscribe and turn notifications on.