His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef: "Empty Yourself; Let Christ Increase" ~ Divine Liturgy Homily St. Mary Dormition & St. Antony the Great Feast Revival Holy Gospel according to Saint John 3:22-36 Sunday, January 29, 2023 | Tobe 21, 1739 St. Antony the Great Coptic Orthodox Church, San Antonio, TX Rev Fr Antonious Girgis Rev Fr Barnaba Melek Pastoral Visit 01/29/2023 #metropolitan_youssef #hemy #coptic #orthodox #stantonyschurch #stantony #stanthonythegreat #pastoralvisit ##revival #John3:22-36 #stmarydormition #divineliturgy #divineliturgyhomily @His Eminence Metropolitan Youssef / @metropolitanyoussef_suscopts / bishopyoussef 🔔 Subscribe and turn notifications on.